
March 2, 2020

At Dopper, we don’t mess around. We have an opinion and we act on it. Better yet, we try to get others to act with us. So that together, we can create one big wave of impact. Which happens to be exactly what being a B Corporation (B Corp for short) is all about: doing more to be the change.

Has a nice ring to it, right? But what does it mean?

Social and environmental performance

Let’s start with the terminology. A Certified B Corp, such as Dopper, meets high standards of social and environmental performance. (Bear with us, this is interesting.) The certificate is only available for companies that have obtained over 80 points in the so-called B Corp Impact Assessment. Yes, that’s a thing. Don’t worry, we won’t take you through all of it. What’s important to know, is that it helps answer one big question:

How do the day-to-day operations of a company create positive impact for the company’s workers, community and environment?

The assessment results are published in the form of a B Impact Report. You can find our most recent one here. Not too shabby, right?

Use the force (for good)

While you’re there, have a peek at the impressively long list of other companies that are part of the B Corp community. From famous (and delicious) ones like Ben & Jerry’s, to cool Argentinian travel company’s we didn’t know existed (shout-out to Boomerang Viajes).

This growing community represents the only sustainable way of doing business: using it as a force for good, being the change. It’s a community that often shares best practices and campaign ideas to help each other improve. In fact, later this month our very own B Corp specialist Dominique van Straaten will be presenting Dopper’s way of working to 40 fellow B Corps from Belgium and the Netherlands. (Yes, we’re proud.)

Party time

Now that you know all this, you’ll understand our excitement over the following: March is B Corp Month. (Cue festive music.) An annual campaign to celebrate the growing movement and raise awareness about its contributions. The goal? To build trust and transparency. So consumers know what a B Corp certificate means and other companies feel inspired to assess and improve their impact.

That last part still applies to current B Corps too. Though Dopper has been certified since 2014, the regular recertification process keeps us on our toes. It pushes us to continuously improve, so we’ll be an even better B Corp next time.

Curious in what ways we’re creating positive impact? Sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date. You can also check out our About or Mission pages, or simply get in touch. We know a place that serves great water.

Nuestra misión