
June 3, 2023

Time for a friendly wager. Now that hot weather (alright – by Dutch standards) has reached us, we bet you have done at least one of three things:

  1. Considered installing industrial strength air conditioning (after all, it IS worth it for four tropical days a year);

  2. Planned to read your book in the sun, only to wake up three hours later – 4.5 pages in and sunburnt to a crisp.

  3. Wondered how you’re going to keep your bottle of water cold when you’re lounging on the beach, partying on a boat or stuck at a sweaty (home) office.

At Dopper, we can ease at least some of your struggle. No, we’re not handing out air conditioners. But we did design a kick-ass insulated water bottle that ensures your water stays cold for 24 hours. All day, all night.

Our mission